Advertising & Marketing Agency
We are the company from inside the network
We are the company from inside the network
Social Media Marketing
We offer outstanding marketing services for all your social needs Media channels: Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Xing.
We professionally manage your channels and consistently implement your targets. Renowned companies from different areas such as
trade & consumption and software & IT are among our customers.
We have very early access to the best trendy content and are constantly in close contact with a large number of influencers. We spend a lot of time in the networks and have created a large community.
We are the 'company from inside the network'
Social Media Marketing
We offer outstanding marketing services for all your social needs Media channels: Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Xing.
We professionally manage your channels and consistently implement your targets. Renowned companies from different areas such as
trade & consumption and software & IT are among our customers.
We have very early access to the best trendy content and are constantly in close contact with a large number of influencers. We spend a lot of time in the networks and have created a large community.
We are the 'company from inside the network'
Modern marketing
Our team exclusively consits of social media natives. We have the experience from many successful social media projects, ranging from smaller companies to corporations. Our social media concepts and approaches are modern and sustainable.
Working mobile solutions
We specialize in delivering mobile solutions and optimizing companies’ social media presence. We know exactly what a mobile presence should be like. Over time we developed a deep understanding of the respective algorithms of the various social networks.
Reach, reach and reach
A significant reach is the key to sustainable success in social media networks. In order to generate a lot of reach, there are a multitude of possibilities, used depending on the base and logic of the network-specific algorithm, and we know how those algorithms work.
Consistent education and trainings
Our team is constantly being trained online and in expert trainings. In addition, we spend time in our own social media accounts every day with over 2.5 million followers, so we are always informed about all new features. In this way, we are also constantly developing your concept.
Targeted social media audience
You know your targeted audience very well. We will help you to precisely locate your target group in the various social media networks. Using suitable measures, we manage to reach your target audience precisely and then address it in the right ways.
Assertive advertisement
Good or less good marketing shows in the result. A successful result can have very different outcomes and show up in sales, new customers, leads, inquiries, reach, appointments, and much more. Sustainable success is only possible with assertive advertising.
Social Media Zielgruppe
Sie kennen ihre Zielgruppe genau. Und wir helfen Ihnen Ihre Zielgruppe in den unterschiedlichen sozialen Netzwerken exakt zu lokalisieren. Durch geeignete Maßnahmen schaffen wir es, Ihre Zielgruppe spezifisch zu erreichen und auf unterschiedlichen Wegen direkt anzusprechen.
Modernes Marketing
Unser Team besteht fast ausschließlich aus Social Media Natives. Wir bringen die Erfahrung aus vielen erfolgreichen Social Media Projekten für unsere Kunden mit, die von KMU´s bis zu Konzernen und Marktführern reichen. Unsere Social Media Konzepte und Ansätze sind modern und nachhaltig.
Konsequentes Advertising
Gutes oder weniger gutes Marketing zeigt sich im Ergebnis. Dabei kann ein erfolgreiches Ergebnis ganz unterschiedlich aussehen und sich in Umsätzen, Neukunden, Leads, Anfragen, Reichweite, Terminen, und vielem mehr zeigen. Nachhaltige Erfolge sind nur mit konsequentem Advertising möglich.
Reach, Reach und Reach
Eine signifikante Reichweite ist der Schlüssel zu nachhaltigem Erfolg in Social Media Netzwerken. Um viel Reichweite zu generieren, gibt es eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten, deren Einsatz abhängig von der grundlegenden Logik des
Netzwerk-spezifischen Algorithmus ist.
Permanente Weiterbildung
Unser Team bildet sich stetig online und in Expertentrainings fort. Zusätzlich verbringen wir täglich Zeit in unseren eigenen Social Media Accounts mit über 2,5 Millionen Followern, so dass wir immer stets über alle Neuheiten informiert sind. So entwickeln wir auch Ihr Konzept stetig weiter.
Funktioniernde Mobile Lösungen
Wir sind darauf spezialisiert, mobile Lösungen zu liefern und den Social Media Auftritt von Unternehmen zu optimieren. Wir wissen genau, wie ein idealer mobiler Auftritt auszusehen hat und haben ein tiefes Verständnis für die jeweiligen Algorithmen der unterschiedlichen sozialen Netzwerke entwickelt.
Modern marketing
Our team exclusively consits of social media natives. We have the experience from many successful social media projects, ranging from smaller companies to corporations. Our social media concepts and approaches are modern and sustainable.
Targeted social media audience
You know your targeted audience very well. We will help you to precisely locate your target group in the various social media networks. Using suitable measures, we manage to reach your target audience precisely and then address it in the right ways.
Reach, reach and reach
A significant reach is the key to sustainable success in social media networks. In order to generate a lot of reach, there are a multitude of possibilities, used depending on the base and logic of the network-specific algorithm, and we know how those algorithms work.
Assertive advertisement
Good or less good marketing shows in the result. A successful result can have very different outcomes and show up in sales, new customers, leads, inquiries, reach, appointments, and much more. Sustainable success is only possible with assertive advertising.
Working mobile solutions
We specialize in delivering mobile solutions and optimizing companies’ social media presence. We know exactly what a mobile presence should be like. Over time we developed a deep understanding of the respective algorithms of the various social networks.
Consistent education and trainings
Our team is constantly being trained online and in expert trainings. In addition, we spend time in our own social media accounts every day with over 2.5 million followers, so we are always informed about all new features. In this way, we are also constantly developing your concept.
Social Media Marketing for
Technology Companies
"Experience shows that
user-generated content is
35% more memorable than traditional advertising
and 20% more influence on the
purchase decision."
- Ipsos Media CT
Market Launch of Vegetarian Dog Food "VRIENDS"
Living a vegetarian lifestyle is popular among Generation Z – and beyond – and is becoming increasingly widespread. Vegetarian pet food is also fully in line with current trends. For the market launch of Vriends dog food – a dry food containing everything an adult dog needs – we are leveraging our expertise in social media marketing as well as our strong connections with companies, channels, and influencers in the pet and food industries.
Our vision is to build a community of animal lovers committed to sustainable nutrition and actively involve them in the brand’s success through creative campaigns, giveaways, and inspiring content on platforms such as Instagram and TikTok.
For more information, visit
The Ultimate Collection
When we came up with the idea for Clips License,we already had over two million followers on our own Instagram pages. During this time we got to know new influencers every day, made friends and exchanged ideas.
It became clear to us that there are real deficits in the communication between companies and influencers on social networks. Although creatives around the world – influencers in particular – post countless images and videos every day that are very good for promotional purposes, there is seldom any deal between them and the company.
We have made it our mission to bring companies and influencers together and let them benefit from each other. By looking for the best and most “viral” content for our video platforms every day, companies can find authentic content with a quasi 100% “social proof” for their advertising.
Clips License offers companies convenient access to the best, selected viral content and influencers maximum reach and benefits.
We are continuously expanding our network and team of influencers and jointly establishing new social media brands such as “Animals Influence”.
Be part of this movement and help us to build a creative and profitable community – whether provider or user – if you are interested in getting the world excited about interesting, authentic content, then you have come to the right place!
We are the 'company from inside the network'
Viral videos und mehr
Phone number
+49 (0)6224 919 369
Meisenweg 2, 69226 Nußloch